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Merry New Normal Christmas

Merry New Normal Christmas

How will you celebrate this beautifully innovative New Normal Christmas? Hopefully not like most peeps in the West, for instance, where governments now instruct us on how many people we are permitted to share these merry days with. Of course, and as always, all in the name of absolute health and sterility – HAIL THE CORONA REGIME! Continue reading

Pandemimimi: The New Normal is here

Pandemimimi: The New Normal

For those who still believe in the (let’s call it) Plandemic, or my favourite term, the Pandemimimi: May the following videos wake you up from your deep sleep. Once again, protests against the inhumane corona measures are the topic of the hour (although obviously not in the lying mainstream media).

While more and more people are finally waking up from the induced lies, one protest campaign really stood out. We are looking to Dresden, Germany, and Bern, Switzerland, where the New Normal has finally arrived, pun intended. HAIL THE CORONA REGIME! Continue reading

The Philippines, Land of Arbitrariness

The Philippines, Land of Arbitrariness

What happened to the country that I once called paraiso? Well, I won’t be too long this time around, but as always I feel the urge to air my anger over this ungodly arbitrariness soaking the Philippines and many other countries worldwide with misery.

This time my focus is on our PNP heroes enforcing the corona-hysteria-measures, willingly clicking their heels to this health and hygiene regime (not saying that each individual is part of this swamp of corruption). Today that many people already seem to having accepted this nonsense as the new normal, it gives these people in uniform the power to exercise absolute arbitrariness – all in the name of health of course. HAIL THE CORONA REGIME! Continue reading

Berlin is doing it again! Anti Corona Measures Protests – 29th of August 2020

Berlin is doing it again! Anti Corona Measures Protests

My respect goes out to the hundred-thousands of people getting together (once again) in Berlin to protest against the corrupt and inhuman corona measures. The ruin of millions of people worldwide due to the lockdown-derived existential, as well as physical and psychological effects, occurred in the name of health and hygiene – when in fact something very different and rather perverse is going on behind the scenes. Continue reading

GISING NA PILIPINAS (wake up and see the facts)!

Philippines - GISING NA (wake up and see the facts)!

Disbelief struck me once again when I saw the DOH’s official stats! For the countless mislead and misinformed people out there, of which more and more are wearing these disgraceful face shields, and who still believe that corona (or Covid 19 for that matter) is a threat to humanity, WAKE UP!! It is no secret that there are many sources available that take a close look at educated views, research and stats by numerous professionals like doctors, virologists, epidemiologists, jurists and so forth. Therefore, I cannot believe how utterly blind, dumb, or cynical the DOH must be. Maybe they’re even blind, dumb and cynical, all at the same time. Alternatively, they have been sucking off that lobby-financed WHO cock for far too long. Continue reading

The paranoid Covid propaganda in the Philippines

Covid Propaganda

I see it as a duty to inform the few visitors of this site about the mentally toxic dose of paranoid propaganda we are currently subjected to in the Philippines. It’s utterly disgusting that considering the tons of factual information out there, proving that this pandemic is over (and was never as lethal as “they” want us to believe), corona is being instrumentalised by various governments and entities across the globe.

If we don’t unite against this arbitrariness, then the so praised ‘new normal’ bullshit may very well become our nightmare of reality (though we are already very much on track to this new reality of control-state in the name of health). Continue reading

Happy Philippine Independence Corona Day


I’m not sure how many times I attempted to start this write-up (or rather rant) because in the previous weeks I simply couldn’t get in the mood to do it. Do not expect a literary masterpiece either. Regardless of the immense frustration deriving from the worldwide onslaught of political hypocrisy (and in many cases utter arbitrariness) being imposed by the various “new world health regimes”, I felt compelled to leave a message in the face of the Philippine Independence Day, 12th of June 2020. Continue reading

Back from paradise – Part 2

Back from paradise - Part 2

Of course, is primarily about hot Asian babes and disturbing Yellow Fever stories. Regardless, there was a little more to my Philippines visit than just tottie from heaven. Welcome to the 2nd part of back from paradise. Continue reading

Back from paradise – Part 1

Back from paradise - Part 1

So, I barely made it out of Manila… Due to a missed flight during the course of my trip, Malaysia Airlines had cancelled all my return flights. Kind of classic, but instead of having a hissy fit at the airport, I was just like: ‘You know what? I don’t give a damn anymore. I’ll just stay here for a few more weeks then’. After all, the check-in desk girl was way too sweet to have a go at her… Continue reading

Launching my ass back to paradise!

Launching my ass back to paradise!

What’s up folks? Once again am back from the dead with some news, that is getting me right excited, mentally as well as physically – am FINALLY making a return to Asia and it’s about bloody time! Continue reading

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