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Yellow Articles

Back from paradise – Part 2

Back from paradise - Part 2

Of course, is primarily about hot Asian babes and disturbing Yellow Fever stories. Regardless, there was a little more to my Philippines visit than just tottie from heaven. Welcome to the 2nd part of back from paradise. Continue reading

Back from paradise – Part 1

Back from paradise - Part 1

So, I barely made it out of Manila… Due to a missed flight during the course of my trip, Malaysia Airlines had cancelled all my return flights. Kind of classic, but instead of having a hissy fit at the airport, I was just like: ‘You know what? I don’t give a damn anymore. I’ll just stay here for a few more weeks then’. After all, the check-in desk girl was way too sweet to have a go at her… Continue reading

When Facebook becomes a Yellow Fever nightmare

When Facebook becomes a Yellow Fever nightmare

If ever someone advised you not to give too much of yourself away when meeting someone new, then they were probably right. It definitely goes for this story, when I had my identity hijacked by a hot, but eventually insane Filipina. Continue reading

Japanese courtesy flushed down the toilet

Japanese courtesy flushed down the toilet

Don’t get us wrong, we’re the last ones who want to give bad press to an Asian bar establishment, but in this case, it’s got to be done. We were thinking about naming and shaming them on here, but what the hell… That’s not even the point of this story, so let’s spare them this time. Continue reading

Japan – out of this world – Part 1

Japan - out of this world - Part 1

If there’s a place that truly has it all, Japan must in the TOP 3, certainly for Asiaphiles. It’s a cultural experience of enormous proportions and lives up to each and every standard. All you may expect from a trip abroad you’re bound to come across in Japan. Continue reading

New fashion trends with grandpa

New fashion trends with grandpa

There are lots of stories out there worth an award for weirdness. However, we’d say it’s a fact that a lot of them emerge from Asia. You may argue that some of it is just down to a different perception of humour and that’s very well. Continue reading

Gangnam Style taking over the world

Gangnam Style taking over the world

If you’re into YouTube phenomena, then you will have heard of Gangnam Style. You got it, the track that emerged in July 2012 ravaging the music charts, collecting over 350 million hits on YouTube alone (new record) and driving just as many people nuts. Continue reading

Could you live in Asia? It’d be likely…

Could you live in Asia? It'd be likely...

The other day a mate and I managed to get ourselves into dreaming up scenarios of living in Asia. That didn’t just come out of nowhere. He currently finds all the time in the world and is taking a stride on the easy side after a reasonably fat company cash payout. So, it’s not exactly credit crunch mood in his department. Continue reading

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