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travel journal

Back from paradise – Part 2

Back from paradise - Part 2

Of course, is primarily about hot Asian babes and disturbing Yellow Fever stories. Regardless, there was a little more to my Philippines visit than just tottie from heaven. Welcome to the 2nd part of back from paradise. Continue reading

Back from paradise – Part 1

Back from paradise - Part 1

So, I barely made it out of Manila… Due to a missed flight during the course of my trip, Malaysia Airlines had cancelled all my return flights. Kind of classic, but instead of having a hissy fit at the airport, I was just like: ‘You know what? I don’t give a damn anymore. I’ll just stay here for a few more weeks then’. After all, the check-in desk girl was way too sweet to have a go at her… Continue reading

Launching my ass back to paradise!

Launching my ass back to paradise!

What’s up folks? Once again am back from the dead with some news, that is getting me right excited, mentally as well as physically – am FINALLY making a return to Asia and it’s about bloody time! Continue reading

A dodgy night out in Manila

A dodgy night out in Manila

Who on holiday has managed to get into a situation, where at a certain point you weren’t too sure what’s going to happen next? Downright dodgy situations where by all means and advise you know you shouldn’t have drifted into. Yet curiosity or a sense of care freeness made you go for it anyway. Continue reading

Could you live in Asia? It’d be likely…

Could you live in Asia? It'd be likely...

The other day a mate and I managed to get ourselves into dreaming up scenarios of living in Asia. That didn’t just come out of nowhere. He currently finds all the time in the world and is taking a stride on the easy side after a reasonably fat company cash payout. So, it’s not exactly credit crunch mood in his department. Continue reading

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