Launching my ass back to paradise!

Launching my ass back to paradise!

What’s up folks? Once again am back from the dead with some news, that is getting me right excited, mentally as well as physically – am FINALLY making a return to Asia and it’s about bloody time! The filthy yellow articles that shall catapult the Sanitymeter levels right through the roof won’t be exactly revolutionary, as this return to paradise is based on the same trip from 2009, but then again, better than nothing, right? Therefore, keep a look out for updates on and our Facebook page. I will begin my Yellow Fever riddled trip in Kuala Lumpur (maybe head to Penang too) and then get down to business in the Philippines – the likes of Manila and Palawan. And this time around I’ll be moving my ass for sure since last time I didn’t really have much opportunity.

The Yellow Fever Anthem

A little extra for all progressive metal fans – the track below by Fellsilent has somewhat become my motivational boost for the Philippines. Before heading out to party and whatever comes with it, I would give Emerge a listen. Short and sweet – TOP track!